
My name is Jean-Loup, I am an artist searching for a voice from Scotland (before that other parts of Europe). I dabble in many areas, from music, to woodworking, wood carving, drawing and of course photography. You may know me from the golden days of Google Plus where I hosted the majority of my social media posts between 2011 and 2019. In fact many of the posts throughout this blog work as an archive for most of the public posts I posted there from about 2013 onwards.

So this place, which was previously known as J-L Web, is my way of reclaiming my own space to share with the world. A much, much wider world which is not confined within the boundaries of a social network with its occasional large following but also its limitations. I would like this place to reflect who I am: diverse, creative, sometime chaotic but hopefully always a little interesting.

I’m by no means a professional in any of the things I present here but I do enjoy sharing the things I make and the things I watch or read and I do hope you will enjoy reading about those things in return. Feel free to stop by and say hello, I’m always happy to meet new faces whether you are an old G+ acquaintance or someone who found your way here by pure chance.

1 thought on “About”

  1. Hi, Jean-Loup — I followed j-lweb out of curiosity and was pleannatly surprised to see all the info about guitarists here. If you have a few minutes, see if what’s at heartwoodmusic.co.uk resonates with you. 🙂 With metta, Claralynn

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