A new wind

As I eluded to last week, I went down to Makers Central in Birmingham last weekend. And I can’t quite begin to explain just how fun an event that was, but let me try to at least summarise it for you.

We were there both days, all day on Saturday and Sunday. There was tons of booths of tool manufacturers, second hand tools, CNC designers, 3D printing companies, resin artists, maker communities and of course many famous makers walking about the place, which if you follow the community, you would recognise.

I had the pleasure to meet and have a good chat with a few of them (see my Twitter feed for more details) and all I can say is getting advice from these guys was both inspiring and rejuvenating. Coming back from the event I can honestly say I haven’t felt so pumped for a whole week for a long time. Consequently, after being on the fence about this for months, I’ve decided to move forward with a dedicated J-L Arts YouTube channel to compliment this blog, with the hope that eventually it will be this blog complementing the YouTube channel. This place can remain as varied in its topics as I need it to be but the J-L Arts Channel can be focus on making things, big or small. The editing will be rough in the first few attempts and gathering a following will be hard if this blog is anything to go by but hopefully I can learn a few things along the way and share some insights with folks.

When the first video goes up there will be a link from here of course, so keep an eye open.

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