Marvel has released 8 official posters for each main character in season 6 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and simultaneously confirmed Clark Gregg’s new character name
The design of the posters themselves are quite interesting where you can draw some parallels between each character.
Here Simmons and Fitz are both bathing in the same blue light highlighting the strong bond between them
Deke has the same blue light as Fitz and Simmons, which shows his relationship to them but the red light also highlights some level of difference (him being from a different time and all)
Similarly, Mack and Yoyo have the same green and blue theme which shows the bind between the two of them
Daisy and Sarge, as Clark Gregg’s new character is named as, is a lot more subtle in that it isn’t so much the colours, though there is a similar green background, but the white balance, a warm glow, which have been chosen for both characters. this possibly suggests that there is more Coulson in Sarge than the show runners would want us to believe but that’s possibly stretching it out simply from colour choices.
May seems the odd one out in terms of colour themes. We know she has lost Coulson on a more personal level than the others and so I wonder if this means she will be the one doing solo missions the way Daisy was on her own in the first half of season 4. On the other hand her face is far brighter and has fewer shadows than the others do, which may suggest the complete opposite, i.e. a character who has grown wiser and is less conflicted than the others.
Going back to “Sarge”, the name itself only suggests some form of military rank and as such isn’t really a name. Much like Steve Rogers is typically referred to as “Cap”. Interestingly, or perhaps just coincidentally, Sarge was one of Fury’s aliases in the comics, the African American Nick Fury we know in the MCU as portrayed by Sam Jackson, not the white one.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 6 premieres on Friday 10 May 2019 at the earlier slot of 8pm on ABC.