Earlier this week I finished a project which I will write about in length in here soon. Altogether it took me just under 4 weeks to complete but what I wasn’t expecting was just how it would make me feel to finally finish it.
I suppose in a way it is normal to attach a part of yourself to everything you make and when it’s done it’s a bit like giving birth to a child (stay with me ladies, I said “a bit”), except in my case I had to struggle so much to look past the flaws and accept that they were part of my learning journey and therefore should not linger on them. Perhaps that need to see flaws was merely a way for me to cope with some rather unusual amount of pride I felt when the piece was finished and ready to be given away, a mixture of feelings I am certainly not accustomed to.
And this made me wonder whether this is the true block that stops my creativity, some irrational fear of diving deep into a heavily sentimental journey to produce something which feels very raw and personal. Perhaps recognising this block is what will allow more to flourish and eventually be presented here in this blog.
I am signed up for the 25th Photography Scavenger Hunt and that comes with more opportunities for photographic expression that I had originally anticipated. It has been a while since I allowed myself some creative time with the camera, perhaps now is a good time to return to it…
I saw your post in G+ about subscribing to your blog, which I’d like to, but can’t find any mechanism to do so.
Hi Chris, if you go on the home page you should see a subscribe box on the right of the page, this should allow you to enter your email address to get notified of new posts.
I’ll add the same at the bottom of each individual post as well. I think that’ll help.