To spring or not to spring?

The weather is a little insane right now. On Wednesday it pretty much snowed all day. Luckily in town it was just slightly too warm to really cause any disruption and by the next day it was all gone. Today it's finally starting to feel like spring but it's April and you just don't know when winter will want to come back for another stint.

Still, hopefully we'll be able to enjoy a dry weekend for a change.

For +FloralFriday (possibly still?) curated by +Eustace James +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner

#floralfriday #flowers #floralphotography #flowerphotography

To spring or not to spring?

The weather is a little insane right now. On Wednesday it pretty much snowed all day. Luckily in town it was just slightly too warm to really cause any disruption and by the next day it was all gone. Today it’s finally starting to feel like spring but it’s April and you just don’t know when winter will want to come back for another stint.

Still, hopefully we’ll be able to enjoy a dry weekend for a change.


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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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