Finally finished watching Marvel’s The Punisher so here’s is all Netflix Marvel shows ranked in my order of preference.
I don’t expect many of you to agree with me but as long as you remain civil you’re perfectly entitled to a different opinion
6. The Punisher
5. Luke Cage
4. Jessica Jones
3. The Defenders
2. Daredevil
1. Iron Fist
I think +Rotten Tomatoes critics would disagree if no one else did…
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You liked Iron Fist the most? While I haven’t seen it yet, I’ve heard that it’s almost universally hated.
2. Punisher
3. Jessica Jones
4. Iron Fist
5.Luke Cage
6. Defenders
Rotten tomatoes is out of touch with the adverage viewer. Also many are paid to post their reviews. IE Bright…
For me it's more like
1. Punisher
2. Daredevil
3. Defenders
4. Jessica Jones
5. Luke Cage
6. Iron Fist
1) Daredevil
The rest
6) Iron Fist
+POEsessed_ It's not a Netflix show
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith ohhh… #awkward
+POEsessed_ it's shit
sigh There is always one who seems incapable of understanding what "please remain civil" means…
I would put Iron Fist as # 4 on my list, Luke Cage as # 5, Punisher as # 3, Jessica Jones as # 2, the defenders as # 6, & daredevil as # 1.
+POEsessed_ its not a Netflix show. Even though ABC owns Netflix, A.O.S isn't a Netflix series. Its an ABC series.
Jessica Jones > Others
4.Luke Cage
5.Jessica Jones
6.Iron Fist
+Sara Blair ABC doesn't own Netflix.
1. Punisher
2. Daredevil
3. Jessica Jones
4. Luke Cage
5. Defenders
6. Iron Fist