Some risks aren't worth taking

Both my girls have been unwell this week so in order to make sure I don't succumb to some late spat of the flu I got myself vaccinated today. Although apparently it takes up to 3 weeks to become fully active so the ant-viral police currently in place will have to do their job well until reinforcements are fully trained before we head off for our wintery Christmas holidays.

I wish you all health and joy for this holiday season

For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner

#floralfriday #floralphotography #flowers #flowerphotography #hqspflowers

Some risks aren’t worth taking

Both my girls have been unwell this week so in order to make sure I don’t succumb to some late spat of the flu I got myself vaccinated today. Although apparently it takes up to 3 weeks to become fully active so the ant-viral police currently in place will have to do their job well until reinforcements are fully trained before we head off for our wintery Christmas holidays.

I wish you all health and joy for this

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

4 thoughts on “Some risks aren't worth taking”

  1. i think we are so behind?, that we should of been doing these things along time ago!, when our presidents got assasinated!, we should be more ready physically, mentally ready for everyday challenges that come our way!, but god help us we are ready for anything!, and should have a good holliday christmas!, and a good new year!, without any trouble!, u see and watch!, we are going to be alright!. mr. capon!.

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