A tremendous article on how Love can help you learn a language

In my own personal history that's how I was able to learn Finnish so quickly and so easily, and consequently after that relationship fell apart, why it's been so hard to motivate myself to finish learning the language ever since (not that you can ever finish learning a language but I never quite reached the level of fluency I was striving for)

Similarly the following passage speaks mountains to me:
bilinguals often report that their personality is affected by the language they are speaking – often expressing a sense of freedom in their non-native tongue. “For languages that are learned later in life, in teenage years, in adulthood, we don’t have the same emotional connection to the particular emotional aspects of the languages, like taboo words,” explains Aneta Pavlenko. “So it’s easier to swear in a second language, it’s easier to say ‘I love you’ in a second language even if you cannot say so in your first language.”

+Stephanie Rebours-Smith I think you may enjoy reading this

(and thanks to +Jaana Nyström for sharing this in the first place :))

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How falling in love can help you learn a language
When the writer Lauren Collins began learning French, she had no idea how it would change her life. Rebecca Laurence looks at the benefits and pitfalls of bilingual relationships.

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