It would seem this collection's followers is starting to grow again so let me just welcome you and hope you enjoy my weekly flower pictures, I'm certainly thankful for all of you.
It's quite chilly up here in Scotland, no snow yet, certainly we've not been promised any. Tomorrow two back to back Christmas faires so it should be busy. I hope you have an equally enjoyable weekend.
For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James, +Beth Akerman, +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner
#floralfriday #floralphotography #flowers #flowerphotography
Reach for your star
It would seem this collection’s followers is starting to grow again so let me just welcome you and hope you enjoy my weekly flower pictures, I’m certainly thankful for all of you.
It’s quite chilly up here in Scotland, no snow yet, certainly we’ve not been promised any. Tomorrow two back to back Christmas faires so it should be busy. I hope you have an equally enjoyable weekend.
For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James,
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
Gorgeous photo of this. Flower. HAPPY Flowers day.
Amazing image,dear Jean loup.thaka for sharing…
Muy bonita
i love that u used a black bckground to show the texture of the flower and the contrast is stunning..
Жан, красивый цветок !!!!! Спасибо !!!
So nice thnks for post
So beautiful…
Is this a type of hibiscus? if so then they do grow in cold climate also?
+marica koroitanoa I'm not actually sure what type this is, I'm not a botanist but this was taken in France in July like most of the pictures of flowers I'm currently posting if that helps