This is hugely exciting: Scotland could be one of the first places to implement Universal…

This is hugely exciting: Scotland could be one of the first places to implement Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income, or UBI, is a simplification of welfare payments and benefits whereby everyone is guaranteed a basic income from the state whether you work or not. This is something I am massively in support of for several reasons:

1. It would reduce sanctions on means-tested benefits which has had a massively detrimental effects on some of the poorest and most incapacitated members of society. Imagine a world where you know money will come and you don't have to turn up to the job center for some interview. this would reduce stress among those most in need and therefore could have a positive feedback towards the road for re-employment.

2. It ensures money circulates in the national economy. A basic income also means fewer chances to get into debt from unpaid bills, fewer people needing to borrow money legally or illegally for little things

3. It reduces inequality. I mean sure you'll still have large variations in how much people earn depending on the type of job they have but what it means it the poverty line suddenly has far fewer people living under it.

Now the question of "how do we pay for this" comes from the readjustment of current welfare benefits. I'm not enough of an economist to give a precise answer on whether this would create a bigger national deficit – it might initially – but I do believe it would encourage a rise in consumption and a decline in individual debts.

I also don't agree with those would may say this would encourage more people to be lazy, staying at home and stuffing themselves with junk food while watching TV. I'm not denying some people are likely to turn like that but I believe those are a minority and most people would rather do something with their lives and have a job and a stable life than become a couch potato.

Due to our smaller population, Scotland may be more suited to a national trial of this new plan. I know that France recently opted out of implementing a UBI but with 65 million people there and a massively complex tax benefit system, the country is probably not ready for anything like this. Scotland however is just gaining new tax powers and whether with an agreement with HMRC or as an independent country, it's a good time to try it out.

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Trial for a basic income for all may go ahead in Scotland
SCOTLAND could be the first part of the British Isles to run a universal basic income pilot after the scheme won huge support from participants…

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15 thoughts on “This is hugely exciting: Scotland could be one of the first places to implement Universal…”

  1. I have resided in 3 countries worked in all 3..I came to Scotland no intentions to stay. BUT circumstances arose so I did. I was a UK citizen < I was 60 yrs old. I did not understand the work Stamps etc. I applied for My social Security what I understood it to be. I had to go through means test Etc so why do foreign national not have to do the same. They also where aware I would be applying to Canada for my OAS And Canada Pension I did not apply to USA I being nieve at the time thought International Offices did this when you applied and I would get from all 3 what I was due I E meaning I would be ok $$ or££ wise. No. monies gets deducted from what might be due here. But I hope it will be a good solution.. I get Pension credit. But that is now considered income by the Govt. point if I could get the same amount from govt which I get to pay rent I may be able to get a bigger place to rent out of my place of residence now. It is like a wee single end.

  2. +Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith I do get my 2 pensions from Canada It amounts to £ 350..per month + UK pension credit and rent. I am .. Grateful But .. if British citizens coming home For whatever reason go through means test and Have worked here before leaving the Country . why should people from other countries not have the same test and why do they get Family Allowance? To send home? My son was born here I did not get family allowance from here. Canada Yes .why because their dad was First Nations Male and served in the Canadian army before we met.. My mother looked after My boys in the 70's while I had to deal with family business She did not get family allowance for them .Nor the one who was born here for his 2.He also worked here for 5yrs.. I begrudge no one but be fare . MY SOAP BOX SPEACH FOR TODAY ….. L O L = LOT OF LOONIES >> Canadian ones lol smiles .

  3. I'm not sure what point you're making, +Patricia Neary-Kelsey, unless it's "Things were done one way in the past and so they should continue to be done that way in the future," mixed in with a bit of "Why should they furriners get ony o oor tax money?"

    Since the SNP has only talked about citizens getting a basic income that second point is moot. For the first one I'd suggest you consider how good it would be to end of the kind of hassle and indignity you've had to go through.

  4.  No hassle it just does  not seem fare,. I had to go through a sort of means test when I immigrated to USA .blood test, Xray . Have Job and sponsor. same when I moved to Canada … so no worries .we paid National Insurance  when working in UK also Canada  So our health is not totally free .but like Canada People come on holiday hoping to get it free That is why my means test.. Have a great day..

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