Scottish Government publishes document to explain the historical, political and legal background to Scotland’s voice in the European debate
It's also a nice summary for anyone who wants to learn about Scotland and its history.
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Scotland; A European Nation
Our history with Europe.
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seems like it really wanted to separate with UK
As a 'disenfranchised Scot', (I live in London), I find that I am increasingly embarrassed by the actions of the Scottish Government! I don't have a vote in Scotland (if I had, I would have used it in the Independence Referendum to vote AGAINST Independence) and now, living in Kent, I am powerless to have any say in what happens in my native country!
+firdaussi Razor This post isn't about independence though, it's about Scotland's position in Europe. Can't fathom what can possibly be embarrassing about the Scottish Government and the good it does for this country but hey you're entitled to your opinions.
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith(null) I accept that it's about Scotland viz-a-viz Europe! Unfortunately, I DID vote against the UK joining the EU, so that is another point of contention, what with Nicola Sturgeon doing her best to sabotage the overall UK vote (to leave)! You can perhaps see why I'm disenchanted with the Scottish Government!
+firdaussi Razor Well I suppose you being anti-Europe you would think like that but Nicola's priority is to enforce the will of the people of Scotland. We (well "they" I suppose since I wasn't allowed to) voted to stay and the Scottish Government will do all they can to minimise the damage that Brexit is going to bring to Scotland, not to "sabotage the overall UK vote".
+Jake Elwood do you have a point?
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith didn't realize I needed one. Hold on, I'll see if I can't fetch one for ye laddy.
Geez and I thought I was bad at making conversation…
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith well what were you expecting, the Spanish Inquisition?
Okay that's quite enough
It's a pity that the people from the UK didn't understand what the Scots obviously did about the advantages to stay within the Union.
Nice one Jean-Loup Rebours wish there was more people in Scotland with your ideas.We will be free soon to be sure.
Alasctlanda right of the people to be independent and have the freedom of choice