How often do you use Google Spaces?
Google+: Reshared 1 times
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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
How often do you use Google Spaces?
Google+: Reshared 1 times
Google+: View post on Google+
Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.
You probably posted the poll twice to the same collection.
I tried it when it first came out, but I don't see a need for it.
+Paolo Amoroso did I? If that's the case it's a bug
I see it twice too. :/
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith I swear I got 2 copies of your post in my stream. I also checked your profile and saw 2 distinct posts.
I was considering taking a screenshot to report a the issue when I saw the posts had timestamps one minute apart. Thinking it was an oversight on your part I thought it was no longer necessary to submit a report. But, now that I have checked again both my stream and your profile, I see only one post. Go figure.
+Paolo Amoroso you did, I deleted the other one and reported it as a bug with a screenshot and all, sorry if that confused you
I'd forgotten that Spaces existed!
I used it recently for a team project for a college course. It worked great!
+Sean Patterson I agree, for collecting things and talking about, Spaces is great for teamwork. But I also needed a little time to find out, what's the deal with it.
+Chris B. It kinda like a mix between a forum and a group chat. Your can create threads and chat in them in real time