Since I’m currently working on projects #4 and #5 (which is which depends which one will be finished first) I figured I would do an overdue post on project #3 which I finished back in March.
This was one of those project with a deadline that I had to do some quick thinking to achieve something in time and which looked reasonable.
At first I wanted those plates to have some kind of pop culture reference as a base for the design but I wasn’t quite sure what. I did some experiments with Harry Potter-themed designs on Inkscape but I couldn’t make something simple enough to cut on the scrollsaw. So instead I just eventually took a piece of paper and hand-sketched what I had in mind and refined it as I was drawing it. Simple but effective.
As you can see from the results the end result is quite simple but with the correct paint job it works quite well. The cutting was tricky as 3mm plywood will splinter quite easily and it’s difficult to hide overshots so it’s best to be conservative with cuts and later refine the shapes with needle files if necessary, this gives a much better finish.
As for the clock this is made from two layers of 3mm plywood glued on top of each other to create some depth. the background was painted before the parts were glues together. I had to go to the store to get some small enough hooks to not split the end-grain of the plywood and the cord is a simple piece of yarn.
These were a present for my niece and nephew and I was quite pleased that people didn’t realise I had made them myself when they were offered. I like to think this shows some quality to my work 🙂
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ouhaaa !!! très joli !
Merci Cora 🙂