This is just a few excerpts posted on the Jimmy Kimmel Live YouTube channel I put together in a play list for easier viewing. It's so great to see the level of chemistry between the two of them, no wonder people think they're a couple.
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David & Gillian at Jimmy Kimmel Live 12/01/16 – YouTube
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Yes they are, always bring it on.
Why didn't they ever date? Suspected of maybe having a fling?!
+Neo Me They were both married for most of the time they were filming The X-files so there never was an opportunity I guess
+Neo Me Actually they didn't have much chemistry towards the end of the series some 13 years ago, I think it's only been recently that they've reconnected and learnt to be better friends
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith
Maybe it's just my female eyes-n-heart, watching the shows, I could've sworn that the dialog in some episodes were meant to tease or make one or the other jealous. I always longed for a stolen kiss scene, to kill the tension. I will confer with My Sci-Fi pro-FAN, see what He thinks.
+Neo Me they do kiss in at least 2 episodes
+Neo Me also, spoiler alert (not really) they had a child together