+The X-Files​ by the numbers infographic

+The X-Files​ by the numbers infographic

Just to clarify on the Deadliest Episodes and what the numbers refer to:

– Piper Maru is the death of most of the crewmen of the WWII submarine
– Tempus Fugit is the crash of flight 549
– Badlaa likely refers to the explosion at the power plant in India
– Anasazi refers to the pile of alien bodies in the train car.

I'm surprised Patient X didn't have enough casualties to make the list actually… 

+The X-Files​ by the numbers infographic

Just to clarify on the Deadliest Episodes and what the numbers refer to:

– Piper Maru is the death of most of the crewmen of the WWII submarine
– Tempus Fugit is the crash of flight 549
– Badlaa likely refers to the explosion at the power plant in India
– Anasazi refers to the pile of alien bodies in the train car.

I’m surprised Patient X didn’t have enough casualties to make the list actually…

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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