Mitch Pileggi talks about his return to +The X-Files
I don't think the show would have been the same if they hadn't been able to bring Skinner back.
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‘The X-Files’ Mitch Pileggi interview Skinner
“If it continues, I’ll always want to do this character,” Pileggi tells THR. “Whether [Carter] wants me to do it or not, or whether he has things for me to do are another thing.”
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I hope "the lone gunman" make an appearance too
+dave fingeroos They will
Good. Those guys are great. The whole cast was s great mix of awesome talent
I'm all for the lone gunmen, but weren't they killed off in series 9?
+Brian J Hoskins In the interests of disclosure, I don't think season 9 was scripted terribly well but here's how I interpret the way things happened.
As you pointed out they seemingly died, and where buried in Arlington during the episode "Jump the Shark". They also appear in "The Truth", which is the season finale as what could be interpreted as ghosts. Krycek also appears in this episode despite being obviously dead. I believe in both cases those are just mental delusions of Mulder. I'll rewatch the original series finale soon enough but I don't recall anyone else being able to see either of them.
The comics brought them back and explained how they cleverly faked their deaths. In "Jump the Shark" you never actually see them in the coffins and they get killed by what we're told is poisoned gas so it wouldn't be such a jump to make up the fact that they had faked their deaths.
I often thought Chris Carter originally "killed" them from frustration that their spin-off show didn't do very well but either way they are due to be back, it's not clear in what capacity however. I might just run another poll actually 🙂
Yes, they will be back.
+dave fingeroos they're back! Really they're back!
+Brian J Hoskins they faked their deaths because they knew to much.
+dave fingeroos o