7×22 Requiem marks the end of what was the Mulder era of +The X-Files . The whole season is full of quirky episodes from 7×03 Hungry where you barely see Mulder and Scully, to 7×04 Millenium, the crossover with their first kiss, 7×11 Closure where not only does Mulder finally gets his answer about Samantha's abduction but his mother kills herself to allegedly not have to suffer a disfiguring disease, 7×12 X-COPS and its different way of filming, 7×13 First Person Shooter where male testosterone seem to be the main protagonist, 7×15 En Ami where Scully drives off with Cancer Man to supposedly obtain the cure for cancer, 7×19 Hollywood A.D. where David's wife (at the time) plays the cinematic version of Scully, this episode has several level of Meta and 7×21 Je Souhaite where the proverbial Genie ends up not really solving anything.
And Requiem is definitely the end of a chapter. It was meant to be the end of the series too but then Fox ordered an 8th season and it kinda went downhill from there. I have to confess to having never even seen the back half of season 8 so in many ways, rewatching all episodes can be a fresh experience too, not that I'm holding my breath much.
In many ways it feels like whatever else happens from then on, this is the point from where to stop to appreciate the new series in the true spirit of the show.
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I don't understand what you mean with the last sentence 🙁 I'm sorry.
Woaw es de lo mejor que he visto.
I miss those shows
I love this show wish they would put xfiles back on.
You are Chris Carter's alter ego. Your writing, attitudes..points of view..everything. From the first post to this very last..reading them I can't avoid this strong feeling… you promised to keep the buzz alive.
Thank you for that feeling and keep up the good work 🙂
+Vesna Vukovic Thank you but I have nowhere near as much imagination as Chris. Your words are very kind though and I appreciate them 🙂
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great epizod