Gone with the Wind

Can you believe that Climate Change is getting so bad, the UK is getting storms with names now? The one hitting us this weekend is called Desmond and comes with dire warnings of rain, worst of it hitting central Scotland.

So maybe a brighter flower instead of the usual dark toned ones would be more appropriate this week.

For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner 

#floralfriday   #floralphotography   #flowers   #flowerphotography  

Gone with the Wind

Can you believe that Climate Change is getting so bad, the UK is getting storms with names now? The one hitting us this weekend is called Desmond and comes with dire warnings of rain, worst if it hitting central Scotland.

So maybe a brighter flower instead of the usual dark toned ones would be more appropriate this week.

For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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