How do you think The Smoking Man will be able to return on the new mini-run of *+The…

How do you think The Smoking Man will be able to return on the new mini-run of *+The X-Files​* ?

It's no secret that Cancer Man / CGB Spender was blown off one of the caves of New Mexico where he was hiding by a missile in what was once the last episode of +The X-Files​ _The Truth_ . He had cheated death before, Cancer, being shot, falling off stairs but this one is pretty hard to come back from. Yet come back he will, so here are a few theories about how this might happen. Which one do you think most likely?

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28 thoughts on “How do you think The Smoking Man will be able to return on the new mini-run of *+The…”

  1. +PRIVATE EYE I can tell you what I hope it won't be (the super soldier) but for the rest I don't know. The clone is the most likely actually. I've just rewatched Herrenvolk and if they can clone Samantha as a grown up and as a child, they can clone Cancer Man as if he'd kept on ageing.

  2. It'll just be another twist. He's been 'killed' a few times before. I'm just glad he obviously never inhaled to be able to come back. If you go look at his episodes, you can actually see that he never does inhale

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