Guys, in case you're not aware David released an album a couple of months ago. It's called Hell or Highwater and it's really good.
I already posted about this some time ago in my music collection but I figured this needed to be shared to a wider audience.
And if you're in Vancouver right now he has one show last night and has another tonight.
Find it on:
Google Play:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
It's probably on iTunes too but I don't have an iAccount so just search for David Duchovny there if you do.
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Deseo q vuelvan promto
Go Dave!!
Had a listen on the way home and I like it.
Loved the show
It's a revelation!Wasn't aware of this light side of David!!!
So that's what he's been doing these days,while I've been watching X-FILES reruns!
+Suzettemarie Suzanne well that and shooting Aquarius and writing a book
I'd love to read his book, holy cow,soon.I'll look into buying it.
I love series I love actress dont possible he song very nice where is he song I dont know