Not sure a picture on the wall counts as a photo bomb but there you go folks, the main trio of +The X-Files reunited in Skinner's office courtesy of Gillian Anderson.
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Gillian Anderson on Twitter
“Best photo bomb in @thexfiles history! @davidduchovny @MitchPileggi1 @BarackObama”
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Yey! The Xfile team is back!!
The guy at the back,spoils this PIC! Lol
They look "different" too young for their true ages. Something funny going on?
I can't wait to watch this!
Clinton was on the wall of Skinner's office on the original series. That's why your current prez is there. Haters gonna hate right.
I can't wait
+David W. Scott which "hater" are you referring to?
I was assuming Montague Mundt ^^ was in the "Thanks Obama!" camp
Sorry David Scott, I'm not American,so don't have to thank him for anything!
I agree, not a huge deal for the rest of the world… But a much better result than the dross he beat. We'd all be a lot worse with those war mongers. Personally I'm hoping for Bernie next. He seems to be a breath of fresh air. Unlike Trump who seems to need some fresh hair.
Hope you get your wish,but its unlikely,the world and also America are gonna change alot with alot of turmoil all over!
Love it! Can't wait!
OK Barbara,glad you like it!
+David W. Scott
Thank you! You spoke for me.
There are three people in the photo… and this is about the X-Files.. get it?
+Aeryeon Li
Hear, hear well said!!!
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith now I get confused about your post. I was excited to see the X-Files on their comeback to the boob tube; but then you added intrigue to it by mentioning the picture frame behind which stirred the comments on that direction. Has it something to do with X-Files?
+Aeryeon Li don't blame me, Gillian mentioned it first. The presidential photo has always been a prominent element of Skinner's office, I can't help it if some folks get their knickers twisted in a knot whenever you go within 2 miles of a politician's name.
+Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith hmm.. . Ok.. I got it.
Haha Barack photo bombing, but yeah reunion!!!