Not sure a picture on the wall counts as a photo bomb but there you go folks, the…

Not sure a picture on the wall counts as a photo bomb but there you go folks, the main trio of +The X-Files ​​reunited in Skinner's office courtesy of Gillian Anderson. 

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Gillian Anderson on Twitter
“Best photo bomb in @thexfiles history! @davidduchovny @MitchPileggi1 @BarackObama”

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22 thoughts on “Not sure a picture on the wall counts as a photo bomb but there you go folks, the…”

  1. I agree, not a huge deal for the rest of the world… But a much better result than the dross he beat. We'd all be a lot worse with those war mongers. Personally I'm hoping for Bernie next. He seems to be a breath of fresh air. Unlike Trump who seems to need some fresh hair.

  2. +Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith​​ now I get confused about your post. I was excited to see the X-Files on their comeback to the boob tube; but then you added intrigue to it by mentioning the picture frame behind which stirred the comments on that direction. Has it something to do with X-Files?

  3. +Aeryeon Li don't blame me, Gillian mentioned it first. The presidential photo has always been a prominent element of Skinner's office, I can't help it if some folks get their knickers twisted in a knot whenever you go within 2 miles of a politician's name.

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