Fuchsias are not only spelt funny, they form a rather odd set from the ones I planted a couple of months ago. One is growing well but isn't producing any flowers, one is producing lots of flowers and its growth is steady, the last set has been flowering somewhat but is now overrun by aphids (and the ladybirds have gone away, we're hoping the birds nesting above didn't eat them)
And summer is here at last, luckily for us up here it's not been too stupidly warm, but I feel for those who've hit above 30 and 40 down south and in the old Country.
(side note: I wish +Google Photos allowed us to upload a watermark, you can do that on YouTube…)
For +FloralFriday curated by +Eustace James +Beth Akerman +Kiki Nelson and +Tamara Pruessner
The season is now open
Fuchsias are not only spelt funny, they form a rather odd set from the ones I planted a couple of months ago. One is growing well but isn’t producing any flowers, one is producing lots of flowers and its growth is steady, the last set has been flowering somewhat but is now overrun by aphids (and the ladybirds have gone away, we’re hoping the birds nesting above didn’t eat them)
And summer is here at last, luckily for us
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this is such a beautiful photo!