What is Chickenfoot?

Good question isn’t it? You may have heard about it if you follow certain artists news but essentially I would say that this is the latest Joe Satriani project… Now that’s not very fair since there’s more than him involved in it, but hey, like Paul Gilbert I’m biased 😉

Chickenfoot could almost be Van Halen without the Van Halen brothers as its members include Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony (who by the way must be following the Vince Neil diet 😆 ), Chad Smith (of RHCP… I had to Wiki him, I’m so ignorant 😛 ) and of course Joe Satriani.

If you look at their website it’s not exactly the most serious project in a sense that they seem to have lots of fun and that’s what should make it great! Actually scrap that, all you need to do is look at the band’s name… honestly 😉 and perhaps the following video will give you an even better idea:

visit chickenfoot.us for more info

They’re set to begin touring err… tomorrow starting in L.A. and going across the US and Europe throughout the summer. Of course the only UK date is a) sold out and b) not even close to this end of the country so nevermind.

However, the album with its nifty heat sensitive cover should come out here on the 5th of June (check out the album page of their website for a demo of err.. the cover 😛 ). There are 3 songs you can listen to on the website too, a strange mix of Professor Satchafunkilus and what I remember of Whitesnake… (yeah I know it’s Sammy Hagar not David Coverdale but their voices are kinda similar…)

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