That’s not exactly fresh news but I thought it was worth mentioning nonetheless. A new Marty Friedman album is due to be released later this month on the 20th of May in Japan.
Its title is Tokyo Junkebox and it’s meant to be some popular JPop songs covers with some metal flavour added to it. Here’s the cover:

Now if these songs will be like most of the ones in Music for Speeding, which has a JPop flavour to it, then it should be well cool, however after the huge disappointment from Future Addict, I can’t help but remain cautious. So I’ll probably wait until we can listen to samples and make up my mind then.
Here’s an excerpt of the description you can find on Marty’s official website:
Produced and arranged by Marty, the new disc reflects the chaotic lifestyle of Tokyo, its unique music and Marty`s futuristic interpretation of it.
Sonically it goes from his “Loudspeaker” lineup all the way to a 70 piece symphony orchestra. Marty covers the most unlikely artists to get his guitar heavy treatment, including Perfume, Maximum the Hormone, AI, Nakashima Mika, Ikimono Gakari and 7 other staples in the world of current Japanese music.
Read more on Marty’s Website.