Welcome to J-L Web!

J-L Web is the home of Jean-Loup Rebours-Smith, a professional web developer located in Edinburgh, Scotland.

This may come in as a surprise but this version of J-L Web is in fact the third one.

The first incarnation started in 1999 with a quickly put-together page on Geocities following a quick course I gave to a bunch of friend about how to write basic HTML. What best excuse to come up with a webpage than to give HTML examples? But Geocities can only take you so far (and I’m not even sure this site is still live anymore), so once I acquired web space that included php and mysql, I started doing more revamping of this site, still retain ing the name that Just stuck.

So in 2005, I started building all by myself a brand new J-L Web. Only, I’m not much of a web designer. This site on which you are reading this, is functional but it is by no means “groovy”, “funky” or any other teenage-oriented adjective you may use to refer to a website that makes you go “wow”. So I tried to design a functional site, I spent a long time coding it and then it turned out to be more or less incompatible with Internet Explorer. I know, it’s Internet Explorer right? Who cares? Well funnily enough, about 75% of web users, so bad idea to have a site that those people can’t read without being annoyed at the (perfectly valid) styling of the site. So it went into hiding for some months and with time came more projects and less time to devote to my own site.

And then I discovered Joomla and I was saved (yeah Allelujah and all that). One the one hand, it’s really cheating for a web developper to use a tool like this instead of coding it all raw but as I said, I don’t have the time to devote to my own site. It’s a pretty sad thing to admit uh? But the thing is, I don’t get paid for doing stuff for myself, so it’s best to swallow pride and use this tool than to be without a proper website until projects run dry (which I hope won’t happen any time soon ).

So I hope you like this design, it’s much more functional than the previous one and should be nice and compatible with your favourite browser…. I hope 😉

Edit: Okay nevermind that, it still looks awful in IE… Will this browser ever stop making my life a living hell?!?!

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